A KILLERPRESENTATIONCREATIVEAGENCYIt’s not just what you say, it’s how you say it.
We create killer presentations.
The result of Strategy, Concept, Story, Design and Location.
Experts in live data visualizations.We are a Creative Presentation
Agency based in Amsterdam. We turn
your slide deck into an experience
that lasts. We create killer presentations
The sum of strategy, concept development,
storytelling, design and location.
Clients we've worked for -
NO MORE:POWERPOINTDEATH BYYou probably recognise this moment.
The stakes are high of any presentation.
A presentation should do more than inform.
It should inspire and activate. It should be Killer!
There isn’t a presentation given without anything
riding on it. Whether it’s to get the assignment,
the budget, the sale or to create a change in mentality.
Your presentation should do a lot more than inform, it
should be inspiring and able to activate your audience.
Your presentation should be Killer! -
90%WILLDEAF EARSFALL ON10% of the information and
the overall impression is what sticks.
Was it; funny, cool, inspiring or not.
'How' is more important than 'what'.
Don’t fight this, accept it and do better.
Here’s a shocker: only 10% of the information
that you give during a presentation or course
will be remembered by your audience.
That’s it, no more. And what sticks with people
the most is the overall impression.
Was the presentation; funny, cool, inspiring or
the complete opposite. So, it is much more
important ‘how’ you present your story than ‘what’
you present. Don’t shoot the messenger!
Do not let the success of your presentation
or course depend on a mediocre Powerpoint and
a meeting room that happens to have a beamer.
Our background is advertising.
Concept, Story, Interactive and Design.
We'll make sure your presentation is Killer.
KILLERAll our people have a background in advertising
and communications. We are storytellers,
concept developers, online marketers
and designers. It’s our duty to make sure
that the end result is bigger than the sum
of images and texts. So you can make a killing.
ManagementThe ‘What’ is obviously
coming from you, the
client. You know your
brand, product or service
better than anyone.
Together we will find the
right way of delivering
your story. To get the
attention of your guests
from the start till the end
of your presentation,
where they will find a clear
and powerful call to action.After you instructed us on
the ‘What’, we will come
back to you with the ‘How’.
We will create a clear,
original and creative
concept, that will run
through your whole
presentation or course.
It is our job to make sure
your audience will give
you their full attention.After we settled on the
right strategy and creative
concept we will make your
story unforgettable. We will
build a presentation with
video’s, photo’s, animations,
design elements and sound.
The images and headlines
create the attention, you
will tell the story.
We prefer to build the
presentation in the cloud,
this way you can fire up
your story anywhere and
on any device (except in
an airplane).
It shouldn’t matter if you
are standing before 2 or 20
people, your presentation
should always feel as an
event. Together with
Tribes, we can make
your presentation
memorable from upon
arrival till departure.
Would you like to serve
Soy Latte Macchiato with
fresh banana bread in the
foyer? No problem. Do you
want start plenary and
continue in groups?
Anything is possible.TACTICS -
KILLERHQPRESENTATIONSWe operate from out of Tribes Raamplein.
Inspiring presentation space.
High Impact Presentations and Courses.
In the heart of Amsterdam, 8 parking spots
We operate from out of Tribes, an international
network of inspiring workspaces
With Tribes Worldwide we are able to
organise high impact presentations and courses
in Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam, Eindhoven,
Brussels, Frankfurt and Düsseldorf. Together we
can astonish your guests from arrival till departure. -
info@killerpresentations.nl +31 6 179 06 239 Raamplein 1, Amsterdam